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Initial Shares Offering (ISO)

One of the most important things to help the value of the Gulden grow is a EUR-NLG exchange. Guldentrader believes an exchange should be independent, secure, and have open communication with traders. This allows the trader to have direct input in the exchange.

In a few months the exchange will go live. As the beginning of March 2017 approaches, the first release of the exchange is underway. Let's call this release the 0.1 release. As of release 0.3 the exchange will be presented to those who have bought shares. As of release 0.5, the exchange will be open for shareholders to test and give their input. Release 1.0 will announce the opening to the public.

What are shares?

GTS, short for GuldenTrader Shares, are shares that can be traded for NLG (Gulden). More exciting, each share participates in the fee structure of the exchange. Each day at a specific time, all fees are distributed among the shares. The fee will be 0.25% of a trade
There will be a 100,000 shares of which, initially, 10,000 will be sold.

Shares do not have an expiration date, they will be yours untill you sell them.

Each share will recieve 1/100,000 of the fee. Based on current Bittrex trade there are, on average, €10,000 worth of trades per day. 0.25% of that is a 25 euro per day fee. As Gulden grows that number has the potential to skyrocket. Based on conservative growth numbers, in 5 years time, daily trades can be up to €1,000,000 which makes the daily fee €2,500. At that point one share will have returns €9.125 a year.

What will be done with profits from shares and fees?

The money will be used for:
Servers per year3 years*2,5007,500
Daily security scan3 years*1,2003,600
Monthly security audit3 years*6,00018,000
Customisation**3 years*25,00075,000
Operational costs3 years*50,000150,000

* Within 3 years the exchange will be fully self-supporting and profitable.

** We listen to our traders. We customize to have the best trading platform out there.

Share price

The share price is based on the following factors:

  • Current value of Guldentrader
  • Current value of the exchange software and infrastructure
  • Predictable growth of Gulden
  • The value of having an EUR-NLG exchange
  • Value of trades over the next 3 years
  • Scarcity value

The price per share will be valued at €10,-.

This will be divided into 70% NLG and 30% EUR.

The EUR part will be used to fund the additional security audits and security measures. A bank vault will be rented to hold the NLG cold storage.

The NLG part will be used for:

  • Collateral (50%), unfortunately exchanges are a target of hackers. Although only 10% of NLG is accessible through the exchange wallet, we believe at least that 10% should be used as collateral in case of a succesful hack attempt. No trader funds should be lost.
  • Sales (30%), if necessary, used to be sold through over the next 5 years, to cover costs.
  • Reserve (20%), our war chest.


An exchange should be as secure as humanly possible. Several steps are taken to ensure funds and trades are safe.

  • EUR will remain at the bank until a withdrawal request is made. Each withdrawal request must be validated via email. Payment will be done manually and only to a validated bank account.
  • 90% of NLG will be put into storage. Of that 90%, the bulk will go into a cold wallet which is located in a bank vault. A small portion will be used to fill the exchange wallet if necessary.
  • NLG withdrawals must be confirmed via email. Eventually two factor authentication will be required.
  • On a daily basis both servers and code are scanned through an external security firm. Each month there is a security audit.
  • Server topology is based on secured units. For instance the database is only accessible through the internal network.
  • The human factor is limited as well.

The fine print

Investment comes with no guarantees. Investing in cryptocurrencies or this exchange is even riskier. The Gulden price is still volatile. Please be aware of the risks before investing. We are as invested in this exchange as our shareholders and therefore do everything in our power to ensure success.

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